Saturday, May 27, 2006

There was a little girl, she had a little curl, and when she was good, she was very, very good

1. I went for a run in a nearby park yesterday. There are a lot of honeysuckle bushes growing there. It smelled wonderful. It smelled like something that has the power to save your soul.

2. I gave my dog a bath yesterday. He was quite filthy and smelled very strongly. He smelled like something that had the power to make you pass out.

3. I am still in the process of researching grad schools. Much to my surprise, Penn State has an information science grad program. Penn State has many grad programs, in fact, and it seems so easy to go to school for a mere year and have a master's degree in something really useful. Then again, I may not need to get a master's degree (though I rather suspect I do). I want to work in a library. Why?

4. I need to be around books. I really do. I've determined I need a few things to be really happy:
a. Books
b. Woods
c. Time alone to think

Besides, I've worked in a library before. How beautifully low-key and perfect for someone who compulsively organizes, like me. So there's that.

5. Jasmine drew a picture that she was very proud of. It was entitled "Caterpillar Pooping". Sure enough, it was a caterpillar, pooping. That's right, ladies and gents. Possibly the best part is that Jaz has a minor speech impediment and spells things like she says them, so "ornaments" is "oddiments", "disturb" is "distewb", and "caterpillar" is "catipidor". So really, it said "Catipidor Pooping".

6. I have four friends from high school who still live here: Amanda, Don, Ryan and Rob.

7. Rob is getting married.

8. Now it starts.

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