Friday, October 30, 2009

I Really Wish That...great TV shows weren't cancelled

Because my heart is still broken that Firefly, Pushing Daisies, and Arrested Development didn't make it. Especially Firefly. It was so good and had the potential to be one of the greatest sci-fi series fact, it still kind of is even though only part of a single season even exists. That's how good it was!
This is what I call a "regretfully missed board meeting": where I'm so sorry I wasn't at that meeting where they made the decision to cancel, so that there could be at least one person who could raise their hand and say "Whoa, guys, WHOA. This show is great, what are you thinking?"
You know?
I also have regretfully-missed-board-meeting-feelings about the third Spiderman film. Why wasn't I there to raise my hand and say "Whoa, guys, WHOA. Even the Batman movies struggle sometimes with two main villains. Three is just too much to put in a superhero film."
You know?
The only show that has recently been done justice is 30 Rock. And if Stargate Universe actually makes it, maybe part of my faith in the survival of good shows will be redeemed. Maybe.

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